A talk at the Beach Office of Sri Aurobindo Society in February 2017.
Our body is made of many physical, subtle, psychological, astral and spiritual elements. That is why it is very complex in nature and difficult to understand. When we do some work, there is the circulation of energy. Thoughts of many negative, positive and constantly moves in our mind impacting our body. Work done in the spirit of karmayoga liberates us from these bondages and generates new energies. When work is taken up as yoga, a new thing happens. There is the Joy of doing. There are no fears, no worries, no expectations of ego, but to participate in the play of God and work for joy. When each of our members opens to Divine, the whole body becomes healthy and ready for the Divine service.
The ways to meet the challenges coming from unexpected events. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey at Sri Aurobindo Engineering and Technical Group, Matrubhaban,...
Questions & Answers 2. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey in Rourkela, Odisha.
An interactive session, with the following questions: 1. How to meditate, 2. Dreams, 3. Thoughts wander when we concentrate, 4. Cremation and Burial, 5....