A talk at the 47th All Orissa Sri Aurobindo Study Circle Conference, Matrubhaban, Sri Aurobindo Marg, Cuttack.
In Sri Aurobindo’s integral yoga, work is an indispensable part of sadhana. Only bhakti and knowledge will not bring the necessary transformation. Work is body’s prayer and sadhana of the body even as meditation is for the mind. Here the aim is to transform the physical nature along with mental and vital. Initially all the work we do in the spell of ego, Individual or collective ego. But work has to be done only for divine. Then only it becomes the path of transformation.
The Mother’s Work on humanity – a talk in Hindi The Mother’s work is over a vast inner and outer landscape. It is mainly...
Any effort trying to define the Divine Truth is to limit That which is Infinite. All the definitions of mind fail because He is...
Book-wise and canto-wise summary of Savitri in Hindi with Dr Alok Pandey.Sri Aurobindo Society, Jaipur Branch, Rajasthan, 2020. Book Eleven is taken up which...