TH 169: Raising the Consciousness

Episode 169 October 14, 2021 00:57:08
TH 169: Raising the Consciousness
Talks in Hindi
TH 169: Raising the Consciousness

Oct 14 2021 | 00:57:08


Show Notes

A talk of Dr. Alok Pandey in Hindi at the Beach Office of Sri Aurobindo Society in Pondicherry in 2017.

Sadhana means acquiring a new station, a new poise of consciousness. This is achieved through an ascent and a reversal. It means shedding our old identity and acquiring a new one. Our old identity is made up of ego and ignorance. It does not allow a person to move on the divine path. It is the Divine, who should be the goal of all our endeavours. It is this aspiration which leads to a growth and ascension of consciousness. The speaker has explained and  elaborated about the growth of consciousness in a very nice way.

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