Latest Episodes
TH 111: Faith and the Truth of our Being (Sraddha evam Swadharma)
Many suggestions come from different parts of being when man is in some difficulty. But there is one voice in us which comes from...
TH 110: TV and Newspapers in Sadhana
At the beginning of sadhana it is better to avoid TV or newspapers. These things create a bombarding of the senses which creates hurdles...
TH 109: Sraddha or Faith
Our words bind knowledge. Words like Sraddha and Faith are not limited to the meaning we often attribute to them. Sraddha is the very...
TH 108: Savitri 6: Towards the Deeper Knowledge
When we see the creation and man outwardly, there is no hope. But when we see the creation and the power that has created...
TH 107: Savitri 5: The Transforming Power of Mothers Love
Yoga means union with the Divine. This union may be in the essence or in the manifestation as well. People ask about the process...
TH 106: Savitri 4: Evolution and the Human Journey
Unlike the animal world, man’s evolution takes place primarily inwardly, in his inner consciousness. Following the logic of nature it is inevitable that after...