श्री अरबिंदो आश्रम (वन निवास), नैनीताल (Questions and Answers 4). A talk by Dr Alok Pandey. The following questions were asked:
1. Should we read Mahabharata as it's believe that - fight occurs in household if you read?
2. Ashwanthama incident - is he dead or alive… is it truth or myth? Types of death based on incident.
3. Draupadi was married by Arjun and as per Kunti's words she was married to all brother's. Was it dharma or not?
4. When we walk towards the truth why we face too many difficulties?
5. Can impurity in body stop divine force? What is purity?
6. How to keep oneself protected from invisible forces and how to identify what are invisible forces?
7. How can one always stay connected to Mother even with all distraction in life?
8. How far it is desirable to go mandir or shrine for devotees of Mother and Sri Aurobindo?
9. How can we find our psychic being?
This Webinar is centered around the emergence of the Age of Truth as foretold in the light of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. A...
Book-wise and canto-wise summary of Savitri in Hindi with Dr Alok Pandey.Sri Aurobindo Society, Jaipur Branch, Rajasthan, 2020. In this talk we take up...
[Aesthesis in Savitri]. This is a webinar with Savitri Reader’s Foundation, Bhubaneswar, held in September 2023.