A talk by Dr Alok Pandey on Savitri Book 11 at Savitri Readers Bhavan, Bhubaneswar in Dec 2017 (Part 2 of 2).
Savitri has asked four boons for Earth and Man. The Supreme indeed grants these boons that will fulfill through passage of Time. Along with the boons we are revealed the future of earth and the human race over large spaces of Time. The Supreme promises that the Earth will be saved and matter divinised and earthly life become the life Divine.
This talk focuses on the attitude with which we should approach Sri Aurobindo and His works.
The way the larger future of mankind unfolds and the different ways of prophesying have been touched upon through the following poems: - Rakshasa...
प्रश्न :१. अधिमानस एवं अतिमानस२. श्री अरविंद एवं कल्कि अवतार [Sri Aurobindo, – The Thousand-Petalled Lotus]