Jaipur, Rajasthan, March 2024 (1/12)
This is the first session of a series of talks in Hindi on Sri Aurobindo's poems takes up the background of the poems as well as touches upon the following three poems illustrating the power of prophecy:
- Light
- A Short piece from Ahana
- Background of Baji Prabhou and Ilion.
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.
इस हिन्दी वार्ता में हम वनस्पति जगत पर इन प्रश्नों के उत्तर जानते हैं। In this Hindi talk we find the answers to following...
Sri Aurobindo's autobiographical poem is taken up about the nature of the work and the future transformation. The Yoga of transformation is also taken...
“An Outstretched Hand is felt upon our Life” This talk is based on the above line from Savitri.