This web talk takes up the three important elements of the yoga, the sadhana or the practice of yoga, the sangha or collective life, and Satsang. Q&A part includes (1) How to quieten the mind, and (2) How to practically understand the New Year message of 2021?
धार, मध्य प्रदेश में हुई इस हिंदी वार्ता में हम देखते हैं की किस तरह आज भी जीवन के हर क्षेत्र में एक महाभारत...
God takes human birth again and again upon this earth, because there is a work to do and a road to be opened towards...
Book-wise and canto-wise summary of Savitri in Hindi with Dr Alok Pandey.Sri Aurobindo Society, Jaipur Branch, Rajasthan, 2020. Touching upon issues of Victory over...