In this portion of Savitri we share a leaf from Aswapati’s journey and experiences leading him towards the stillness of the Self. [Savitri pp. 30-31]
A talk in Hindi by Dr Alok Pandey at the 39th Nikhiila Utkala Sri Aurobindo Mahila Pathachakra Sammilani, Paralakhemundi, Odisha, January 24-26, 2018.
The speaker explains here how our present nature is incapable to bear the presence of Divine Light and Force. He explains to us the...
इस हिंदी वार्ता में हम देखते ही की किस तरह सृष्टि का सृजन हुआ और सृष्टि के अलग अलग स्तर कोन से हैं। पूछे...