TH 25: Karma Yoga and Higher Life

Episode 25 September 30, 2021 00:40:01
TH 25: Karma Yoga and Higher Life
Talks in Hindi
TH 25: Karma Yoga and Higher Life

Sep 30 2021 | 00:40:01


Show Notes

How to remain at the height of consciousness in the field of administration or when we are among people in the thick of activities? Each happening in life has a particular purpose. When we see the scenes and identify ourselves with them, we get exactly the experience that is embedded in the phenomenon. But if we can learn to watch it as a witness, as if as an outsider then we can remain unaffected by it, even though we may be right in the thick of it all. The following principles are ingrained in the Indian system of the four goals of life, ‘Dharma’, ‘Artha’, ‘Karma’, and ‘Moksha.’ If one understands one’s dharma, automatically the other three stages fall in a right place. The work of a karma yogi is a work from the highest state of his consciousness without being troubled by the consequences or the outcome. Sri Aurobindo himself has shown the path of perfect karma yoga in several ways. Perfect detachment and equality, offering and surrender to the Divine, freedom from the craving after or attachment to the result, constant vigilance and sincerity, – these qualities form the basis of a higher life.

Recorded in 2009.

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