A talk by Dr Alok Pandey at Savitri Readers Bhavan, Bhubaneswar in Dec 2017 (Part 2 of 2).
Savitri has crossed the last stronghold of Death. The mask of terror and grief is torn and Savitri enters the very Home of Truth. It is then that she is face to face with the Divine who stands behind creation hidden behind all action and movement. A long dialogue follows where Savitri seeks for the redemption of earth but the Divine dissuades her saying that the earth is not yet ready. But Savitri stands her ground seeking the boon of divinisation of earthly life. What we discover here is the Divine Love and Compassion that dwells in Savitri’s heart who is none else but an incarnation of the Divine Mother. We are also given a quick glimpse of the challenges of transformation especially with regard to the resistance in man. Eventually she ascends to Her own Home and asks for the boons from the Supreme.
Jaipur, Rajasthan, March 2024 (3/12) This talk takes up the future of Science and Religion through the following poem: A Vision of Science A...
नैनीताल शिविर जून २०२२, आध्यात्मिक विकास की यात्रा 4/8 प्रश्न:१. क्या दूसरे धर्मो में भी कुण्डलिनी जागरण की बात हुई है?२. अन्यान्य लोक।३. रूपांतरण।४....
This is a Q&A Session, a continuation of the talk TH 157 (the previous post). Maya is a much-discussed and among the most ill-understood...