There are some great secrets in the Gita. One of them is the descent of the Divine in matter. This is a unique secret. It is called the sacrifice of the Divine. A wider understanding is required to comprehend this secret. The incarnate divine breaks many so called truths and in their place establishes many new truths. He shows the path, inspires man for great heights, and comes close to the human consciousness. The Divine leads by his personal example. When the divine is in front of us as examples, we only need to open ourselves and give more and more to Him. Their physical touch is there in earth to awaken us physically.
ऊर्जा – भाग 3 This is the concluding part of questions and answers on Energy, including such subjects as Mantra, Kundalini, Divine Energy and...
Sri Aurobindo worked in different aspects of human consciousness and everywhere he established the needed lines along which humanity could grow and progress. The...
The whole life and its experiences are a preparation and the evolution of the psychic entity within us. Our ordinary nature has no free...