Yoga brings out new and unknown experiences in life. It is a vast field. But sadhana does not need any special time. We can offer each activity and accept the given situation as the part of sadhana. It does not depend on our so called understandings of life. Sadhana links man with the vastness of the Supreme. There is a child within us who knows how to progress continuously. That helps us to grow. The child in us is the psychic being. We need to help the growth and manifestation of this child. It does not fear or does not stop at anything. It knows how to offer itself to the divine.
The way the larger future of mankind unfolds and the different ways of prophesying have been touched upon through the following poems: - Rakshasa...
रतलाम, मध्य प्रदेश की इस हिंदी वार्ता में हम देखते हैं की किस तरह धरती के इस विकास में मनुष्य का भी एक विशेष...
यह वार्ता ‘सावित्री ‘ की कुछ पंक्तियों पर आधरित है जिसमे मनुष्य की जीवन यात्रा का आध्यात्मिक वर्णन है।