Latest Episodes
TH 315: स्वर्ण सेतु
In this Hindi webinar we share thoughts on the Divine Mother as the Golden Bridge.
TH 314: श्री अरविंद के स्वप्न और हमारी भूमिका
A talk for the All Odisha women conference takes up the subject of our role in fulfilling Sri Aurobindo’s dreams.
TH 313: अनन्त का चयन
We take up the following sentence from The Synthesis of Yoga by Sri Aurobindo: “He Who chooses the infinite has been chosen by the...
TH 312: श्री अरविंद के अतिमानस की ओर
In this Hindi webinar with Sri Aurobindo Society Bihar, we take this occasion of New Year to move towards the Supramental of Sri Aurobindo.
TH 311: ध्यान
An interactive session, with the following questions: 1. How to meditate, 2. Dreams, 3. Thoughts wander when we concentrate, 4. Cremation and Burial, 5....
TH 310: Essence of Savitri
सावित्री नवनीत 4/4 सावित्री सार The Essence of Savitri talk is the concluding part of a four-day webinar on Savitri. Some questions asked were:1....