TH 92: Sewa ka Mahatva (The Importance of Service)

Episode 92 October 13, 2021 01:14:20
TH 92: Sewa ka Mahatva (The Importance of Service)
Talks in Hindi
TH 92: Sewa ka Mahatva (The Importance of Service)

Oct 13 2021 | 01:14:20


Show Notes

One aspect which is given importance in Sri Aurobindo Ashram is service or seva. Any work, done in concentration and remembrance with offering it to the divine becomes sadhana and the way of liberation. All the work can be divine work and seva if it is done in the spirit of offering and joy of doing. The works that lead us to the harmony, truth, ananda, beauty, peace, unity, progress in a general way becomes step towards divine. On the other hand, work which takes us towards disharmony, anger, falsehood, division etc does the opposite work. If we are not doing the work for self gratification, or satisfaction of ego, then only it become truly seva. Seva creates the opportunity for the transformation of consciousness in all the levels of being.

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