This talk brings us the poem on Krishna, ‘Kannan’ by the renowned Tamil poet, patriot and Sri Aurobindo’s devotee Shri Subramaniam Bharathy. In this poem, Krishna is playing in his own way to break the sattwic ego of the hero, and liberate him from the limited notions of spirituality, bringing in a wider and a more integral perspective.
The Divine is beyond our comprehension and always surpass our knowledge. It is he who again helps us towards the immensity of His grandeurs. Krishna comes as a disciple, but the hero of the poem doesn’t know that it is He who is going to be his student. Krishna did all the divine pranks and broke the false pride and liberated the hero of the poem.
To light the psychic fire is the most important initiation in human life. Before that human life is not much connected with the true...
इस हिंदी वार्ता में हमें देखते हैं की तनाव के क्या कारण हैं और कैसे इससे छुटकारा पाया जा सकता हे।
Insights from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey at the 2024 Nainital Study Camp.