TH 62: Calling and Pulling

Episode 62 October 13, 2021 01:23:32
TH 62: Calling and Pulling
Talks in Hindi
TH 62: Calling and Pulling

Oct 13 2021 | 01:23:32


Show Notes

Calling is generally connected with our inmost aspiration. Sometimes it may be an urgent SOS sent for immediate Help or intervention when one is in dire difficulty. Pulling, on the other hand is more of an egoistic movement, generally to want something or desire an experience. It indicates haste and a lack of trust and surrender. That is why it is dangerous, especially when the nature is not ready and purified enough to bear the Divine influx. It is better to have a faith and surrender and assimilate the Force or Grace given to us. In the process of yoga many things hidden in our lower nature and subconscient comes out under the pressure of yoga.

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