TH 6: Working Upon the Lower Nature

Episode 6 September 30, 2021 00:36:59
TH 6: Working Upon the Lower Nature
Talks in Hindi
TH 6: Working Upon the Lower Nature

Sep 30 2021 | 00:36:59


Show Notes

The speaker starts with introducing us to the vast landscape of integral yoga. He also tells us about the certainty of the Goal and the need for faith. Being a collective yoga, the journey of this yoga passes through many scenes and circumstances of inner and outer life. There is no short cut to the process of transformation envisaged in this yoga, its goal being bringing down and manifesting the Divine in conditions of material life. There are however four fundamental steps in the process,— shuddhi, mukti, shakti and siddhi. Each of these, especially purification takes time and one has to be vigilant and patient in this journey towards the Divine Perfection of Nature. The speaker explains how these can be achieved by triple labour of aspiration, rejection and surrender.

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