TH 52: Difficulties and the Way Out of the Intermediate Zone

Episode 52 October 12, 2021 01:07:48
TH 52: Difficulties and the Way Out of the Intermediate Zone
Talks in Hindi
TH 52: Difficulties and the Way Out of the Intermediate Zone

Oct 12 2021 | 01:07:48


Show Notes

The talk starts with addressing the difficulties of the yoga when one enters the Intermediate Zone. When we begin to come out of the limited boundaries of the individual ego, we enter in the field of cosmic Ignorance. The field of cosmic Ignorance is a mixed baggage of many real and unreal things where there is a chance of being deluded easily. The guidance of guru is the only safeguard there. Humility, Vastness, Vigilance and surrender to the Divine Mother is the first and last thing. To cross this middle zone safely, we need to be armored with gratitude, faith and a constant remembrance.

There are few questions asked like complexity of nature, desire, self-righteousness, Vidya and Avidya etc. and it is answered. The most important thing is whether the person is open to the Grace; the next part is to express the Divine in all the actions done by him. Instead of rejecting the world, he rejects the egoistic indulgence and embraces the life and world as the body of God.

This talk was recorded in May 2012 in Nainital.

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