This is an interactive session with students and devotees from Nepal.
Some Questions asked were :
1) What is the difference between believing and knowing?
2) Why do we need to remember the dead?
3) Why do people think of the past or the future instead of living in the Present?
4) Why are we unable to remember and do the right things even when we know it is right?
A talk by Dr Alok Pandey.
आरोग्य के आंतरिक उपाय This webinar in Hindi is part of the program for Sri Aurobindo Medical Association, Odisha. It touches upon a holistic...
Questions and Answers on Integral Education, following the main talk "Empowering the Educators" TH 437. A talk at Bejon Desai Foundation, Nasik, by Dr...
इस हिंदी वार्ता में हम देखते हैं की किस तरह आंतरिक माध्यमों से रोगों का उपचार किया जा सकता है।