Sri Aurobindo’s yoga is integral in nature, and knowledge, work and bhakti are its inevitable components. Whichever way we start, it slowly brings all the three streams and weaves them together. But the first thing to be done is to discover the secret soul, the psychic entity within man, and let all the three streams flow impelled by that. When it is psychic bhakti which brings the momentum in sadhana. The expression of bhakti is not only psychological, but also physical because the love of God means the love of his outer manifestation also. So the bhakta loves his beloved in all the things, places and contexts. Similarly, Surrender is to be done in both inner and outer life. Sri Aurobindo reminds us that the core of the inner surrender is trust and confidence in the divine. Sri Aurobindo’s life is living example of this, which the speaker narrates at length in this talk.
Recorded in 2009.
“An Outstretched Hand is felt upon our Life” This talk is based on the above line from Savitri.
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