TH 155: House of the Spirit and the New Creation B3 C3

Episode 155 October 14, 2021 01:17:50
TH 155: House of the Spirit and the New Creation B3 C3
Talks in Hindi
TH 155: House of the Spirit and the New Creation B3 C3

Oct 14 2021 | 01:17:50


Show Notes

Savitri is not just a legend or a symbolic poem. Savitri and Satyavan are conscious and living forces. Savitri is the Divine Mother and Satyavan, the human soul. So Savitri and Satyavan is the story of man and his quest for Divine perfection. Satyavan, though in the midst of darkness and ignorance pursues light, knowledge and love. The speaker explains and summarises the whole Savitri and its relation to our everyday living.

An opening of 2015 Readings in Savitri at the Savitri Readers Bhavan, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, with Dr Alok Pandey.

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