Our so called understanding of creation and its purpose is vague and incomplete. Sri Aurobindo not only explains the why and wherefore but completes it by his revelations about the earth’s luminous future. By his very presence, he changed the direction of the whole nation in freedom movement. He established then the Divine mother in human time and space on earth. He redefined the relevance of man’s life and destiny and showed him the sunlit path ahead. A new truth and a new world started to take shape after Mother’s coming to pondicherry. In this and many other aspects Sri Aurobindo opens for man a brighter Spiritual age towards which man will inevitably move.
A talk in Hindi at the Beach Office of Sri Aurobindo Society. Life and world give us opportunities to practice yoga. If one wants...
A talk at the 47th All Orissa Sri Aurobindo Study Circle Conference, Matrubhaban, Cuttack, in 2017. Each Avatara brings something new for earth and...
Insights from the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. A talk by Dr Alok Pandey at the 2024 Nainital Study Camp.